While pheasant numbers are in a bit of a decline in this part of the state there are still great ways for hunting pheasant in southeast Kansas. The Lone Pine Hunting Preserve, located right here in Toronto Ks, has been offering great European pheasant hunts and field hunts since 1978. So, if you’re coming to Lone Pine for a hunt you can stay at Snag Hollow and be just a few miles away.
Pheasant Phun Phacts

- Pheasants, along with most members of the grouse family, have specialized, powerful breast muscles—the “white meat” that you find on a chicken. These muscles deliver bursts of power that allow the birds to escape trouble in a hurry, flushing nearly vertically into the air and reaching speeds of nearly 40 miles per hour.
- While the birds normally don’t cover more than about 600 feet at a time, strong winds can extend their flights considerably. Observers in 1941 reported seeing a pheasant fly a record four miles while crossing a body of water.
- Male Ring-necked Pheasants may harass other ground-nesting birds, such as the Gray Partridge and the Greater Prairie-Chicken. Female pheasants sometimes lay their own eggs in these birds’ nests. This may explain why some male pheasants have been seen chasing away male prairie-chickens and courting females—the pheasants may have been raised in prairie-chicken nests and imprinted on the wrong species.
- Ring-necked Pheasants sometimes cope with extreme cold by simply remaining dormant for days at a time.
- Pheasants practice “harem-defense polygyny” where one male keeps other males away from a small group of females during the breeding season.
Facts Courtesy of All About Birds
When you’re ready to try your hand at hunting pheasant in southeast Kansas we’d encourage you to stay at Snag Hollow Vacation Rentals in Toronto Ks. We hope to see you soon.